about me

Sunday, April 16, 2017

What is my favorite sport and why

My favorite sport is basketball. I just the love love play basketball. Basketball is everything to me. Even though other sports interests me, nothing comes close to basketball. I pretty much play basketball every day and never get tired of it. I have played basketball ever since 2 years old, the first sport ball I ever held was a basketball. whenever I play basketball it feels great. Like whenever I make a shot it is a amazing feeling. I don't even know know how to describe it. There is no other feeling in the world like it. Basketball makes me feel free and helps me get what ever is on my mind. I love my school team basketball team. We are so close. Play the sport basketball is the one thing I know I will always love to do. When I grow up i wanna play in the NBA. I just love play basketball, I will always loveImage result for love for basketball quotes 


1 comment:

  1. Hope you keep playing. Basketball is a great game to play even outside of organized teams.
