about me

Thursday, November 17, 2016

10 Reasons to Be Thankful.......

1. I am thankful for my health, for being able to run the mile under 7:30 and still eat junk food all the time.

2. I am thankful for movies for being good and not boring

3. I am thankful for doing work to get paid.

4. I am thankful for basketball for it will make me to the NBA.

5. I am thankful for being tall so I can reach stuff that are high easily.

6. I am thankful for having great talents in basketball soon I will be in the NBA.

7. I am thankful for food so that I will never starve.

8. I am thankful for liquid fluids like water and juice because it keeps me from being thirsty.

9. I am thankful for sports, it keeps me from being lazy and doing nothing.

10.  I am thankful for Skype because it keeps me not bored.

Saturday, November 12, 2016

Pizza, Glorious PIZZA!!!!!!!'''''

I love pizza it great , great tasting as well. I' am very loyal to my pizza I like to cherish it so I take small bites Mmmmmm...... very good. When I was little I hated piza but now its my favorite food, when I little was I would trough up because of the smell. But now and days I love it.